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EE Portfolio Reviews Minimum Requirements and Procedures a-g Courses

English, Math, Science, Social Studies, VAPA, Foreign Language

1) Class Requirements

● The EE must be on the EE CWCS employee or approved vendor list,



● EE instructors and vendors must respond to students' inquiries about school work and assignments within 24 hours. Those who do not respond to students or parents inquiries within 24 hours will be removed from the EE approved list.

● All a-g students will be required to take a proctored final exam or a significant final project. (See below for further guidelines.)

● A minimum of one hour per week must be direct instruction with tutor and/or parent

● The course must follow the UC approved curriculum/course outline

● Email the ES if any problem arises.

● Meet the guidelines below for curriculum, attendance, and portfolio assignments

2) Curriculum -

Verify that the student text is on the CWCS a-g list. (the book may be a newer version than the one on the list. If you have a question please consult the EE.)

The primary texts and portfolio samples from students should come from curriculum that could be purchased by CWCS.

3) Syllabus/Pacing Guide - The ES or parent will provide a syllabus/pacing guide for suggested curriculum for the course, but it must be approved by an EE. Pacing guides may also be created in SIS, or students may use department course syllabi. It should explain course requirements and include weekly assignments, incremental assessments, and a final assessment. Assignments must meet grade level current CA Standards, found at:

ELA & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects; Mathematics,Performing Arts, Dance Performing Arts, Music Performing Arts, Theatre Visual Arts

Assignments also must align with the approved UC curriculum/course outline

It is important for students to begin their coursework when the semester opens. Do not let them wait for the initial EE meeting.

4) Attendance

An EE meets with the student at least 5 times during the semester to answer students' questions about curriculum, explain assignments and provide feedback on student work.

5) Portfolio

● Five assignments will be collected for each student. The 5th assignment is a final exam or project.

● The assignments are specific to each department. Follow the links to the specific assignments for each department.


Math Department

Science Department

Social Studies

Performing Arts - Music, Dance, Theater

Visual Arts

● The student will submit the assignment to the EE by the 10th of each month (excluding August and January). It is ultimately the ESs responsibility to be sure these assignments are being submitted.

● The EE will give specific instructions about submitting the final exam/project before the end of each semester.

6) Assessment

A-g courses require a proctored final exam or significant project each semester.

● Except - Math & Science courses: Final exam each semester

● Social Studies, English, & VAPA: One semester proctored final. The other semester should be a proctored final or significant project.

7) Grading

The ES submits the Quarterly Progress Report grades by the deadlines in the ES Timetable (one grade per quarter). The EE will determine the overall course grade and enter it in SIS by the report card deadline.

Suggested grading:

● 50% ES/Parent Progress Report; 25% Portfolio Assignments; 25% Final Exam/Project

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